Everyday.. am hus sah lin..
New section in the store. for my hustlers who everyday is hustlin'...check it out here.
this is just my tribute to all the hustlers who are working to strive to be just better or provide for their family.. to make him or herself happy... Whether seedy or 9-5...you are who you are...so keep hustlin'...
i forgotten that.. it seems like am just going into a cycle.. where i'm trying to make everyone happy but yet not making myself happy...where am looking to get something back when i shouldn't... shaking my head at myself..
so hustle on playahs...like the outlaw king said( shirt here).. "people make excuses, hustlers hustle..Live like a king.. Die like an outlaw"...
Thought of the day: never do things to get something back.. never expect anything back.. just do it.. if it makes u happy.. i keep forgetting that...
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