the unlucky rabbit.. reminiscing about his foot
New design .. the unlucky rabbit.. as he takes a puff on his cigarette..thinking about his youth and how carefree he used to be .. and how that carefreeness led to him losing his foot.. just so someone can be "lucky"..Luck?.. who's lucky now?...check it out in the store.
heheheheh just wanted to do a design which kind of describes how i am as of now.. nostalgic.. reminiscing like the rabbit.. i feel like I've been trying to please so many people that i'm not taking care of myself and in turn becoming unhappy. i'm alway comparing myself to people.. because they seem to have it together that i keep forgetting to take care of myself first.. and i only have myself to blame.. like the bunny...
i consider myself like a welcome mat.. i just let anyone walk all over me.. it got me thinking.. whatever happened to the old confident me..that's the thought of the day..
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