For many people that know me personally.. i have battled the battle of the bulge for most of my lifetime. I have gone through 34 years of my life being laughed at or made fun of because of my size and weight. Not just by strangers, also family. Now they have said they don't mean anything by it and am pretty easy going guy myself so it never really got to me but you can only take so much after awhile.
I remember a situation as a child, having a mother on public transportation tell her child that if he doesn't stop misbehaving that someone would eat him and she pointed at me. I was only 6 at that point. Or another situation where my mom thinks that by calling me fat, that i would jump and start losing weight right away. I was told i wasn't going to get a job because i was fat. Really?...so i had enough. i started to starve myself. It started when i was turned down by woman and when i was walking home a child called me fat. so i starved myself to the point that i lost 100 pounds in 6 months and the world looked at me differently. But when i gained the weight back i doubled my size and people again looked at me in a different way.
So i do believe in this cause about fat-cism. It seems that people who hate being judge for their skin can easily be as judgemental to people that are bigger in size. Why? is it because you yourselves are not happy with who you are so you would make fun of people to make yourself better? Why are so many people so image conscious? You know Big guys like me are the same as the thin people. We just tend to eat more. so please end your prejudices against fat people. We treat you guys with respect, please do the same for us.
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Thought of the day: Why does the world have to revolve around image?